Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Change: That word does not mean what you think it means

It's funny, because you hear of these 'earmarks' for oh so critical things like $951,500 for the Oregon Solar Highway, $900,000 for fish management, $819,000 for catfish genetics research in Alabama, $1.7 million for pig odor research in Iowa and on and on and on of stupid irrelevant things added on in the stimulus. Which I could have sworn someone was so vehemently against those before words quit mattering. Oh that's right, he was. And let us not forget AIG needs more money. And the government stimulus and bailout has no real direction or plan and thus isn't making Wallstreet or consumers any more confident.

But while all the pet projects which are not urgent, vital or sensible in such a dire economic crisis are getting $7.7 billion, this is what is going on in my neck of the woods:
CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CA (KGO) -- One after another, prosecutors from the Contra Costa District Attorney's Office made their case to the board of supervisors that their jobs should be spared. [...]

DA Robert Kochly submitted a plan that includes laying off 33 of his 91 prosecutors, 38 percent of his staff. Kochly says he had no choice but to eliminate attorneys, based on seniority, because 92 percent of his budget goes toward salaries and benefits. Kochly also told ABC7, he's already trimmed investigators and support staff to bare bones levels in previous budget cuts. He has said that the layoffs would mean the county would no longer pursue many misdemeanor cases, including thefts, gun and drug possession, assault and drunk driving cases, unless someone were seriously injured or killed.

"Without 33 attorneys, you're losing all of the misdemeanors, but you're losing juvenile, you're losing quality prosecution at every level," said Kate Wharton, a Deputy District Attorney.

Full article

Now, another story, very relevant in combination with the above.

The Contra Costa County Sheriff's Office is likely to be one of the hardest hit county agencies and currently has a $14.7 million deficit.

The sheriff's office could be forced to layoff between 50 and 70 deputies effective April 30, according to officials.

Full article
So while an entire county, and quite a large one too, is basically getting rid of half its legal system and putting people's lives and safety in jeopardy, congress and the president are doing the same old bullshit. Nice to know this 'change' was of course, a nice ad slogan, but not an actual plan. And something tells me this isn't just going on in Contra Costa County, but in other cities and counties in California and the rest of the US as well.

This doesn't only put the entire population at risk, but it especially puts women at risk. Unless it's a felony domestic assault, the assailant will not be prosecuted. Misdemeanor assault will be tossed out the window. So unless your partner seriously injures or murders you, it won't matter. If this goes through, thousands of women will be physically harmed and absolutely nothing will be done to their abusers. Unless they are murdered or beaten half to death. Violence and physical intimidation will have a blind eye turned towards it. As if women aren't physically abused with the laws in force as they are.

The overall picture of having a DA so completely stripped down to the point where it can't even prosecute mid-level crimes is shameful. Investigators and support staff are virtually gone. If a murder or rape or kidnapping or violent attack takes place what are the overall odds of the crime getting solved if it's not cut and dry? Getting proper timely attention? Being handled with the utmost care and vigilance? This is terrifying.

I'm glad our government has its priorities straight. Even more so that no one seems to care.


  1. Tomoe-chan! *glomphug* I meessed youuuuu!

    Firstly, this is a shocking post. I did not expect the situation had deteriorated to this level. You have a strong point, because not only women, but hate crimes and drugs, oh, in fact, everything will suffer.

    I hope to God everything becomes all right in America, soon. They say the crisis might end in a year or so.

  2. Hi babe!!! *hugs* I've missed you! I guess you can't reply to comments here... hrm. I'm still trying to get used to this place LOL

    Yeah, things are getting pretty scary :( Hopefully everything for everyone will get better soon. Shorter this downfall ends, the better. I hope things on your side of the Pacific are ok! <333
